The Age of Reason

Vivian sees this need for change as anything but negative; in fact, he is at peace and even more motivated by the new developments in his favorite sport, steep skiing. He explains how he reevaluated the different options for excursions in his backyard. Above the Chamonix Valley, there is no shortage of opportunities! “Everything starts with the age of reason”, says Vivian. As a father and experienced skier, the current global challenges we are facing have prompted him to take action. He recognizes that the Covid crisis disrupted the world in terms of our impact on the environment. “The planet is my life! It’s my passion, I need nature to live.” The challenge is to keep this in mind while staying active. “I’m even more motivated to be further involved in my activity, but in a different way. For example, I dream of riding all around the Alps on a non-electric bike!”  

Accessing Lines Via Electric Bike

“Skiing close to home, okay, but you still have to get there somehow, even if it’s only a few dozen kilometers away!” Vivian explains, “I’ve been thinking about this for a while, I wanted to get an electric bike to access different areas. Electric, because it’s necessary in order to do these excursions in a single day. Finally, being in quarantine pushed me to bring the idea to life! The mission started when we left the house at 1 am and rode through the night to arrive below the summit in the early hours of the morning”. “I find so much pleasure in doing this. I’m rediscovering my sport by adding another activity: biking. It’s really something to say that after the day’s descent, we still have work to do, biking to get home! It’s a new vision in the discipline. It’s perfect for spring and autumn when you have to go look for snow.”

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